
combining spell stats in wotlk?

Okay, so. Apparently, in the upcoming expansion, spell damage and healing are going to be combined into one uber-stat: spellpower. Yes, yes, old news, I know. But when I first heard about this change, I flipped out ("WHAT! You mean I'm going to have to share gear with CASTERS? WTF IS THIS?!"). Then after I calmed down a little and realized that this is something that is going to change no matter how much I QQ, I decided to look at the good points. First of all, there won't be a need to have two separate sets of gear, right? I'll be able to do dailies or solo in the same set of armor that I wear when I heal. And apparently it'll make for less items being wasted, because more classes will be able to use the gear if it drops.

But then again, the thought of competing with two other classes for cloth gear makes me a little apprehensive about the spellpower change. And the fact that now everyone will pretty much be seen in the same gear, so all clothies will basically look the same until we all get tier gear? LAME.

Also, another thing that made me iffy - warlocks actually having a use for spirit? Did this mean I'd have to compete with warlocks for gear with massive amounts spirit as well? I discussed this at length with my warlock-playing boyfriend, and he said that yes, although warlocks would find spirit more useful in the expansion, weapons and armor that are itemized for spirit would clearly be meant for healers, since they'd have a little too much spirit for it to be for non-healers. Of course, I'm assuming that most people I group with will know the difference between items meant for healers and items meant for DPS and will roll accordingly. Well, I sure hope so.

Final thoughts on spellpower: Still undecided. We'll just have to see how it goes when the expansion is released.


Gravesong said...

Your only real competition will be druids who need to upgrade healing pieces more likely, as from looking at the gear so far, the lock/mage gear is itemized towards hit, crit, and dmg, with int and stam, while the priest gear is geared for heavy int/spirit, and heavy spell power. But mages and locks already rolled against each other, and druids and priests do too. (Yes, druids roll on priest gear, although not in a perfect world.) Therefore, the only difference is that locks will gain marginal benefits from having spirit on items now, becaus warlocks are more awesome than YOU!

tiffars said...

I didn't even know this was happening!