
end of year WoW meme!

This post in wow_ladies popped up today, and since my answer is probably too long for a comment I'm going to post it here instead.

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been!
an end of the year WotLK meme for WoW_Ladies~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Our Intrepid Heroes

[1:] Who/what are your mains?

-Illythia, 80 Blood Elf priest is my MAIN main.

[2:] Which alts were your favorite this year?
-I will always love my Undead mage, Adenine, who was my first character, ever...even though I don't play her as much. My druid actually got more attention this year since I was so determined to get her to 80.

[3:] How many characters did you get to 60? 70? 80?
-Two! My mage hit 80 in July and my druid hit 80 a couple of days ago.


[4:] What character are you most proud of and why?
-My priest, because she is the character that I try to get all my achievements on, and who has the best gear. (Not THE best gear, but...the best gear out of all my characters.)

Around Azeroth

[5:] What was your biggest/most memorable achievement(s) this year? What was the most painful?

-I suppose it was getting a 1300 rating on my 2s team (and getting Brutally Dedicated.) I'm not very good at arena-ing, and it was difficult, so getting 1300 certainly felt like a great accomplishment to me. It was also the most painful accomplishment.

[6:] What has been the most fun raid/pve fight so far in WotLK?
-I like that Onyxia's back, mostly for the nostalgia.

[7:] What was your favorite quest/questchain?
-Battle for Undercity, hands down.

[8:] A lot of powerful lore has been introduced in this expansion. Any favorite bits?
-Everything that happened in Battle for Undercity; the fact that we got to meet Alexstrasza.

[9:] The rise of the Lich King has changed Azeroth and its people so much. Who's your favorite NPC(s) in this expansion?
-Definitely Sylvanas. I'm sad that they had to change her voice, but she is still a total badass. And it's great that she has more of a prominent role in the expansion.

[10:] Which in-game holiday was the most fun this year?
-I liked the Midsummer Fire Festival, mainly because I got to do most of the achievements with my boyfriend.

Friends and Enemies

[11:] Did you change guilds this year? If so why?

-Yes. Because my guild fell apart and I didn't do anything with them anyway (I joined in the first place because I knew the guild leader from our previous guild, who I raided Karazhan with in BC, but he left). Now I'm in Kessel Run, which is full of RL friends and our alts.

[12:] What was your guild's biggest/proudest accomplishment this year?
-Um, we...don't really do anything except farm badges and arena.

[13:] Did you make a lot of new friends? Any mortal enemies?
-I like chatting with the people in Mayari's guild! They seem to be pretty chill. As for mortal enemies, I'm pretty sure that I hate the entirety of the Horde population on Dragonmaw (with the exception of a certain Undead mage who helped me with an elite).

[14:] Any fun or memorable PVP encounters?
-Every time I healbot one of my friends in a battleground is fun! We like to tear shit up, yo. OH, and there was also this one time when I was playing my druid and some mage tried (key word: tried) to kill me. Let's just say that shadowmeld saved my ass, and I got my revenge.

Looking Ahead

[15:] What changes are you most excited for in Cataclysm?

-Flying mounts in Azeroth! YES. Oh, and the fact that we only have five more levels, not ten. That's a plus.

[16:] Which new race/class combos are you going to roll? Got any names yet?
-I guess I'm going to have a spiffy new goblin bank alt! Seems fitting, yes?

[17:] Where do you see your character in the next few months?
-Wherever she is, I hope she's kicking serious ass.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I hope everyone had a great WoW year! Happy new year to all, and I hope all of you get a lot of achievements in 2010!



happy (belated) hallow's end!

I opted for a High Inquisitor Whitemane costume this year! The good folks at Wowhead compiled a list of two versions of old Sally's armor that are attainable in-game, so go check out the comments for the list!

Yes, I am too lazy to list them here myself.


the home stretch is ahead!

...For my druid, I mean! Yes, I have finally hit 70 (and Northrend).

I had been sitting at 68 for a little bit while I was leveling in Nagrand, and it wasn't until today that I remembered - "OH YEAH, I CAN GO TO NORTHREND NOW. OOPS." So I took Mayari down to Stormwind Harbor to make the journey to the land of iciness and undead things.

...To be honest, I wasn't sure if I would end up in Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra (LOL ALLIANCE NOOB) , but at this point I didn't care. I just wanted to level, dammit!

Eventually, I learned that the Stormwind boat goes to Borean Tundra.

It's a statue of King Varian Chin Wrynn!

Then I quested my kitty butt off, until FINALLY:


...Only ten more levels to go.


blizzcon 2009: part deux!


Sarah Kerrigan makes for a pretty badass Facebook profile picture.

Lyn, the winner of the WC3 tournament.

Yay, cosplayers!

OZZY. Too bad we were way far back. But the show was awesome. I kinda wish I was closer to the front; he was spraying the audience with a hose.

And that's my boyfriend and me. ♥


so there was this little event called blizzcon...

...and it was epic. Legendary, even.

First: this year's swag made up for its lack of quantity with quality: we got a collectible Jim Raynor Noobz (n00bz?) action figure which apparently will not be available anywhere except for Blizzcon...and, of course, eBay.

Second: Everyone and their grandmother is talking about Cataclysm so I might as well join in.

I'll be honest: When I first heard the rumors about the new expansion I thought that a lot of it sounded really stupid. Azeroth changed forever? That wasn't so bad, but the new class and race combinations sounded a little off to me. Troll druids? Night elf mages? Holy cows? (I'm sure that joke is very original and has never been used at all before this moment. You saw it here first!) And the addition of goblins and worgen made me /eyeroll. BUT THEN. Then they announced it at BlizzCon and let me just say this, Blizzard is REALLY good at selling stuff. Seriously. Halfway through the gameplay trailer they completely had me.

We got to try out the starting areas for the two new races.

SPOILERS, OKAY?: When you load in as a worgen, your character is stuck in a pillory. You're in this gloomy, foggy village that feels vaguely like the setting of a horror movie, and are currently under siege by the Forsaken. Worgen get a sprint on a three-minute cooldown and can turn into a human form (for cosmetic purposes only, since you pop right back into worgen form when you get into combat).

When you load into the goblin starting zone, you're floating unconscious on a raft while a doctor tries to jumper-cable your ass back into the world of the living. The zone is the polar opposite of the worgen zone: it's colorful, lush, and tropical and it feels like you should be knocking back a couple of mai tais here instead of rescuing your comrades from the wreckage of your ship.

I want my Alliance puppy dog, but man goblin racials are sick. Anything that allows you to shoot rockets at people or rocket jump is nothing short of amazing. (So this means that all the current races are going to get improved racials, right? Please? I would like to stop being scoffed at for rolling a blood elf instead of an undead priest!)

The costume contest was amazing, as always. There were some really awesome ones this year. I do believe that Ms. First Place, the Diablo Mistress of Pain, was well deserved. I drool over that costume so. Much.

I like to think about what I would cosplay as when I go to BlizzCon, but because I procrastinate/am always broke I never actually come up with anything. But next year, I would REALLY love to go as this beauty:

I am still trying to collect my thoughts, which are jumping all over the place...so! More on BlizzCon later!


ding x2!

FINALLY! My mage hit 80 yesterday!

Amazingly I had enough gold just from questing, so I sprang for a dual spec: 0/51/20 fire for PvE (with Frostfire Bolt as my main nuke) and the cookie-cutter 20/0/51 frost for PvP. At the moment my gear is pretty craptacular (lol quest greens), so it's off to grind heroics for me. Once my gear is better, I may even try out arcane. That talent tree has always fascinated me.

Also, Mirror Image might be the strangest spell ever. Not saying it's not cool, it's just really...weird...seeing copies of me running around. And whenever they die I jump a little, just because the female undead death rattle is very jarring, and hearing it times three...well, maybe I just need to turn the volume down a little.

ALSO! Midsummer Fire Festival! It took a couple of days of running around with my boyfriend's warlock, but we both got the Flame Keeper achievement. Easy, and no dependence on random drops or having to log in every hour. Nice!

Then I went on a title grabbing spree.

Working on "of Undercity" next.

Took me freaking long enough!

Next: Arena! Specifically, 2v2s! Specifically, 2v2s with a rogue! Hint: It's pretty fun. ♥ Penance.


blizzcon 2009

I am going once again due to my boyfriend's epic browser-refreshing skillz!

See you guys there!


on mage leveling

Before I get to the topic at hand, allow me to squee just a little bit - a couple of weeks ago, I took my priest to Naxx10 again (run by my friends) and, well, let's just say I got geared up the heezy:

Oh man, gentle reader (yes, the one of you that is out there!) you have no idea how long I have wanted my glowy angel wings. And now I have them! (Although I did not realize that the particle effect would look kind of funny from behind, but oh well.)

/end squee

And now: after months of procrastinating (actually, I prefer to think of it as a "vacation" of sorts), I have finally decided to level my first character, Adenine. But not as frost.

...Wait, what?

YES, that's right, she is fire now. She has never been a fire mage. I knew nothing about fire mages. Turns out, it's not as scary as I anticipated.

But before I could set foot in Northrend, I had to do something of the utmost importance:

New haircut FTW! Now moving on...

I read Ekye's mage guide on the Ensidia website (link is over there to the right somewhere). Excellent guide. I decided to go with his 0/51/20 build, for the fact that I will eventually be wanting to use the ever-so-sexy [Frostfire Bolt] as my main nuke (also includes the glyphs he recommended for MAXIMUM DEEPS).

Now, a few observations: one, I forgot how much effin fun it was nuking the shit out of things. (I guess leveling as a holy priest does that to you.)

Two: FIRE - HOLY CRAP WHY DID I NEVER TRY THIS BEFORE?! Seriously. Wow. I love frost, always have, always will...but damn have I been missing out.

Three: I did not anticipate how squishy I would be. Or how quickly I would run out of mana. Hurm. Must remember to investigate further.

Four: Jame's Horde Leveling Guide - okay, not really an observation, but I'm pretty sure that if I tried to level without it I would take much too long (most of the time spent leveling Illythia went something like: *runs around for twenty minutes* "Hurrrrr where's the next quest hub guise?"). As of tonight, Adenine is 72 (I started leveling her about two days ago). My goal right now is to get to 80 as quickly as possible, and this efficient little guide is working quite well for that.

Next post: Old school raiding, and Children's Week!


naxxramas = death

I went to Naxx10 for the first time last week.

First time as in, ever. I hadn't even been to Naxx back when it was still a 40-man. So I was pretty nervous, but it was nice that I actually knew people in it. The run was organized by a RL friend and main-tanked by my boyfriend on his warrior; another of our RL friends came along on his tree druid for leet heals.

When I first came in, we were going to kill Heigan the Unclean, which apparently requires you to know the safety dance. I did not know the safety dance, so even though I did my best to follow my friend the tree druid around the room, this happened:

Ouch. Well, on to the next boss, then!

Next was Patchwerk. From him, I scored the [Drape of Surgery].

Grobbulus was kinda fun. He dropped [Handgrips of Turmoil].

Gluth was uneventful.

But then there was Thaddius...

Fight seems simple enough, right? Depending on the charge of the debuff you get, you run to the left or right side of the platform. Except, well...lag strikes again:

Illythia receives loot: [Ouch]x2.
Wait, there was something else:
Illythia receives loot: [Cowl of Sheet Lightning].
Yay! On to Sapphiron!

The way he spawns is just too cool.

The way he pwned my face, however, was not:

Apparently I did not stand behind that iceblock correctly.

Kel'Thuzad took some time, but we eventually got him to die. Let me just say this - the first phase of that fight is probably the most annoying thing ever. I mean, what is he thinking? "Hey, maybe if I make some random skeletons and abominations attack these adventurers ONE AT A TIME they will grow weary and leave me alone!" You have a whole room of those guys, KT. Not that I don't appreciate you making it easier for us, but if you really wanted us dead, why don't you just, you know...send them all in at the same time?

So, a few things I need to work on from My First Time in Naxx10:
  1. Mana conservation
  2. Not dying
  3. Avoiding tunnel-vision
But I still had fun and I hope I get another chance to go. It's definitely much more fun when you're running it with at least a few of your friends.

After the run was over, I wasted no time in getting my shiny new gear gemmed and enchanted with these pretties:
I'm being a bit lazy about finding someone to do the +28 spell power to gloves, but I'll get to it.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, mining is no longer a pain to level when you have an epic mount. Hence, I have actually caught up on this profession, and can actually mine nodes that are at my level. GASP!



Last week, I logged into WoW for the first time in a while and found this sitting in my mailbox:

OMG, awesome, right? But wait, there's more:

WHAT OMG YAY!!!!11!!eleventy!!1

So one of my RL friends had just quit WoW and as a parting gift he sent my boyfriend and me 5000 gold each so we could get our epic flying mounts. I don't think I've ever sent so many OMG THANK YOUs over AIM in my life.

So, here's a big shout out to you, buddy! Thanks a bunch!

At that point, I had already been saving up some gold by questing, so I had enough left over after buying the training skill to get this bad boy:

Yes, that's an [Armored Blue Wind Rider]! And man, is it sexy.

Now that I was powered by a 280% speed increase, I felt like getting stuff done.

First! I went off to Explore Northrend (and all I got was this awesome [Tabard of the Explorer]).

Then, I thought, hell. Why not go all the way?!

And so my self-imposed quest to explore the whole world (of Warcraft, lulz, didn't see that one coming, did you?) began. It was, as expected, really slow. But it was also surprisingly quiet and uneventful. Alliance left me alone the entire time (and for that, I thank them).

Hours later, my long, arduous journey came to an end in the Blasted Lands.


Next: powerleveling professions. D:



so illythia probably hates me now...

When I saw this thread in wow_ladies, and saw all the hilariously awesome bling that everyone came up with, I knew instantly the second I got home that I had to make one of my own. And, well...here it is:

[Made on blingee.com]

...They are totally BFF now.


speccing shadow, or how i tried to learn face-melting

For a couple of months, I specced shadow on my priest. Now, the last time I was shadow was back in Burning Crusade-era, around level 61. I played around with holy and discipline specs since then, but I never put anything into shadow, nor did I even think about it ("Me, spec shadow? That's crazy talk!") That is, until my boyfriend hit 80 on his druid, Grimcow, and wanted to give resto a try.

He is lucky he is cute.

First, I went with a 14/0/57 build. Since I hadn't been shadow for, oh, about 19 levels (I'm not even going to try and convert that into real-world time), I suppose you could say I was pretty rusty at it. And by "pretty rusty" I mean I "completely forgot how to play shadow". This was reflected in my DPS. which was, in a word, embarrassing...

But after doing "extensive research" (read: perusing Elitist Jerks forums while at work) I was able to find out how to improve my shoddy DPS: keep your debuffs up, use spells once their cooldown is up. Simple enough, right? Well, let's just say I still need to work on it.

This was the rotation that I tried to follow:
  1. Vampiric Touch
  2. Devouring Plague
  3. Mind Blast
  4. Vampiric Embrace
  5. Mind Flay
  • And cast Shadow Word: Death ONLY when you have to move or when you're waiting for Mind Blast to come off its cooldown and still don't need to refresh debuffs.
LET ME TELL YOU, INTERNETS, juggling DOTs is harder than staring at health bars for an hour straight. And although I haven't yet fully grasped the intricacies of melting faces, I can at least say I had fun and I would try shadow out again. It's definitely something I'd like to get better at, at least.

Before Illythia went back to the priest trainer to spec discipline, she and Grimcow decided to pay a visit to an old friend...Onyxia.

I finally got to see what it was like tanking a big angry dragon.

And twenty minutes later, we kicked her to the curb and made off with some Tier 2 helms. But why doesn't the priest stuff ever drop?

When she was done sulking, Illythia picked up Onyxia's ginormous head, somehow stuffed it into her backpack (don't ask her how), and returned to Orgrimmar.

And then, for the first time ever on any of my characters:

Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, baby!



old school screenshot of the week: february 2

[World's End Tavern, Shattrath]

*I swear, next post will have actual content!


old school screenshot of the week: january 26

[Stranglethorn Vale, Eastern Kingdoms]


old school screenshot of the week: january 19

[Deeprun Tram, Eastern Kingdoms]



veteran of the wrathgate

When I first heard about this chain back in the beta days of Wrath, I was uber-excited. Since then, I've been looking forward to completing this questline for myself, and last December I finally did. What did I think?

Most. Epic. Questline. EVER.

If you haven't already done this questline and you hate spoilers, please skip this post because it's going to be HELLA spoiler-heavy. Yes, I just said "hella." AND WHAT?

Right before the joint Alliance-Horde assault on the Wrathgate, Illythia had to report to Saurfang the Younger, who would lead the charge. This was the last she saw of him:


(I apologize for the tiny video. If I left it at full size it would have eaten up my layout. Here is the link to the video on YouTube.)

Saurfang the Younger and Highlord Bolvar Fordragon gave their lives heroically along with the good men and women of the Horde and the Alliance, leaving my poor priest distraught at this tragic turn of events.

But there was still hope...Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and her consort, Korialstrasz, were there to survey the damage.

Alexstrasza then sent Illy to High Overlord Saurfang to deliver the news of his son. R.I.P., Saurfang the Younger.

And then Illythia learned that Orgrimmar was in a state of lockdown. When she got there, there were large groups of Forsaken refugees hanging around the entrance to the city.

From them, Illythia got an inkling of what was unfolding:

Sylvanas was in trouble? She mounted up and rushed for Grommash Hold, but paused when someone in the crowd caught her eye...

Oh, Gamon, you hapless Tauren, you.

When Illythia got to Thrall's chambers, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner was already there, asking for his aid.

And then someone else showed up:

Illy hoped that no one told Lady Jaina Proudmoore about her escapades at last Hallow's End. Otherwise, this would shape up to be a pretty awkward meeting.

In any case, this was no time for awkwardness! The Undercity was under siege by the traitorous forces of Grand Apothecary Putress and Varimathras. Illythia was asked to help Thrall and Sylvanas exact a quick and terrible vengeance.

And so the Battle for Undercity began.

It was really the first time that she had seen Thrall and Sylvanas fight. It was quite spectacular. Sometime during the battle it occurred to her that she was very, very glad that she was on their side.

And of course, there was much fangirling over Lady Sylvanas herself. How could she not? Sylvanas is one badass lady.

Those who betrayed her would soon regret their decision.

No obstacle was too much for Thrall, who destroyed everything that the Legion threw at them.

Boulders? HA! They are but pebbles in the eyes of the Warchief!

Now it was time to face the traitorous dreadlord himself.

Oh, Varimathras. You thought you could get away with this? The Dark Lady does not know forgiveness. By the end of it, he was begging for his measly life.

We thought that the battle was over, but then - Alliance! Thousands of them!


It's time to lay the smackdown --

And it was about then that Jaina swooped in, froze everyone, and sent Varian back to his room with no dessert. ILY, Jaina.

The Undercity was now safe, Sylvanas was back in her seat of power, and Thrall and Saurfang were left to ponder what was left of their fragile pact with the Alliance.
Thrall : It ends like it began...All that we have fought for in this world is lost. The hopes and dreams carried by my father and mother... by Doomhammer... Gone...If only you were here right now, old friend. You would know what to do.

Overlord Saurfang: I know what he would do. He would say to you what I am about to say to you: Thrall. Lead your people. Let's go home, old friend.

Thrall nods.
Thus ends the account of the Battle of the Undercity. It's easily the best questline in the game, and I think anyone who sets foot in Northrend should be required to complete this. Seriously.

Next post: how speccing shadow is working out for me!